At the store

La magazin:

Me: Bună ziua, aş vrea patru doze de Heineken şi un Kent lung.

Saleslady: Dar ce faci cu atâta bere ?

Inner me:

Analyzing possible uses for "beer" ....
This may take a while ....
Found : 13 possible uses for "beer" (33 milliseconds)
1. take a bath in it
2. put out a fire
3. marinate meat
4. polish pots
5. shampoo hair
6. loosen rusty bolts
7. steam clams or mussels
8. boil shrimp
9. kill slugs
10. drink it
11. cure insomnia
12. catch mice
13. pass a kidney stone

Choosing most relevant answer ....
1. drink it

Initializing " I can't believe you just asked me that" face ...
Answering  ....

Me: Cred că am s-o beau  -_-

Cam atat :)
Dacă vreţi să vedeţi mai multe "possible uses for beer"  check this out:)

Peace out \\// and have fun ! Enjoy life ! :)
Şi nu uitaţi că vă iubesc pe toţi la fel. Adică foarte mult !
Live long and prosper \\\//

1 comentarii:

Anonim | 2 iunie 2012 la 20:00

uses for beer :)) haha ... 2 bad i can't understand anything else